
Oral presentation postuniversitaire studiedag, Leuven. May 2012.

G. Vandenberghe. Uterusruptuur: registratie en evaluatie naar het model van UKOSS en LeMMON-studie.

Poster. 6th meeting of the International Society of Obstetric Medicine, Oxford, UK. July 2012.

M. Guisset,  A. Moens, J. Van Keirsbilck, M. De Blaere, G. Vandenberghe, M. Hanssens. Registration and evaluation of three rare complications of pregnancy: the Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System (B.OSS).

Oral presentation. Assistentendag, Gent. March 2013.

A. Langedock, M. Hanssens, G. Vandenberghe. Eclampsie in Vlaanderen, een vergelijkende studie met Groot-Brittannië en Nederland.

Oral presentation 19e IGO Doelencongres, Rotterdam. April 2013.

G. Vandenberghe. Belgian Obstetric Surveillance system (B.OSS): eerste resultaten en vergelijking met de LEMMoN-studie.

Poster. ISSHP European Congress, Tromsø, Norway. June 2013.

A. Langedock, M. Hanssens, G. Vandenberghe. Eclampsia in Flanders: a comparative study between Flanders, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Oral presentation. Advanced course in Obstetric Emergencies, Copenhagen, Denmark. November 2013.

G. Vandenberghe. Rare cases of uterine rupture, study proposition.

Oral presentation. Assistentendag, Leuven. March 2014.

M. De Blaere , G. Vandenberghe, Y. Englert , V. Van Leeuw , K. Roelens, M. Hanssens. Uterusruptuur in België, preliminaire resultaten van B.OSS.

Oral presentation. Congres MIC-NIC AZ St Jan, Brugge. October 2014.

G. Vandenberghe. De eerste resultaten van de Belgian Obstetric Surveillance system (B.OSS).

Oral presentation “Research Day 2015”, Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. March 2015.

G. Vandenberghe, H. Verstraelen, Y. Englert, M. Hanssens, K.Roelens.

Uterine rupture in Belgium: results of the Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System

Oral presentation 20e IGO Doelencongres, Rotterdam. April 2015.

G. Vandenberghe, K Roelens , M Hanssens.

Meten is weten: het nut van registraties en evaluaties.

Oral presentation XXI FIGO Wold Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Vancouver, Canada. 4-9 October 2015. G. Vandenberghe.

The International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems (INOSS): an international study of uterine rupture.

Oral presentation. Opleidingscluster Gynaecologie-Verloskunde, UZ Gent. March 2014.

G. Vandenberghe, M. De Blaere, V. Van Leeuw, K. Roelens, Y. Englert, M. Hanssens, H. Verstraelen. Uterusruptuur in België: resultaten van B.OSS.

Oral presentation. Assistentendag, Antwerpen. March 2016.

M. Guisset, I Janssens, G Vandenberghe, V Van Leeuw, Y Englert, K Roelens, H Verstraelen, M. Hanssens. Peripartum hysterectomy and arterial embolisation in Belgium: results of the Beglian Obstetric Surveillance System.

Oral presentation. Assistentendag, Antwerpen. March 2016.

A.Huybrechts, G. Vandenberghe, G Page, V Van Leeuw, Y Englert, M Hanssens, K Roelens.

Antenatale Longembolie in België: preliminaire resultaten van de Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System.