BAMM - officers

Karolien Benoit
Marie Coussens

BAMM team

Caroline Daelemans
Griet Vandenberghe
Hilde Logghe
Julie Belhomme
Lore Lannoo

Working group

Annick Bogaerts
Caroline Daelemans
Elena Costa
Gisele Vandervelpen
Griet Vandenberghe
Hilde Logghe
Julie Belhomme
Marc Coppens
Sarah Michel

Scientific committee

Caroline Daelemans - CEpiP
Charlotte Leroy - CEpiP
Frédéric Chantraine -  CEpiP
Frédéric Debiève - CepiP, College of Mother and Newborn
Griet Vandenberghe
Julie Vanalbada - CRGOLFB
Koen Traen - VVOG
Kristien Roelens - College of Mother and Newborn, SPE
Leen Verleye - KCE
Maxime Fastrez - CRGOLFB
Michel Bouvain - UZ Brussel
Monika Lauback - SPE
Régine Goemaes - SPE
Roland Devlieger - SPE, College of Mother and Newborn
Laura Cornelissen - Sciensano
Virginie Van Leeuw - CEpiP

National experts BAMM

A multidisciplinary team of experts is involved in the assessment of maternal deaths. Due to confidentiality, no names are given here.
The national expert team exists of: gyneacologists, midwifes, anaesthetists, cardiologists, infectiologists, psychiatrists, haematologists, intensive care specialists and emergency physicians.